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Government Contracting
Common Contracting Terms
Bid, Tender
Bidder’s Conference
Competitive Bidding
Contract Amendment
Government Contractor
Contract Value
Government Procurement
Government Proposal
Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Government Procurement: Simplified Procedures

The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) of 1994 is intended to simplify government buying procedures.

The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act removed many competition restrictions on government purchases of less than $100,000. Instead of full and open competition, government agencies can now use simplified procedures for soliciting and evaluating bids up to $100,000.

Simplified procedures require fewer administrative details, lower approval levels, and less documentation. New procurement reform legislation requires all federal purchases above $2,500 but under $100,000 to be reserved for small businesses, unless the contracting officer cannot obtain offers from two or more small businesses that are competitive on price, quality and delivery.

Government agencies are still required to advertise all planned purchases over $25,000 in thousands government websites.

Micro-purchases: Government purchases of up to $2,500 in individual items or multiple items whose aggregate amount does not exceed $2,500 are now classified as "micro-purchases" and can be made without obtaining competitive quotes. However, these purchases are no longer reserved for small businesses. Agencies can make micro-purchases using a Government Purchase Card (typical credit card).

Win State, Local, Federal Government Contracts and Bids
Why Selling to the Federal Government
Why Selling to local and state Governments
Government Contracting and Bidding
Government Contracting: Opportunities and Facts
Why Government Contracting?
Government Contracting Terminologies
Government Procurement: Bids and Contracts
Government Procurement: Simplified Procedures
Government Procurement: Sealed Bid, Invitation for Bid (IFB)
Request for Proposal, Request for Tender
Request for Quotation
What the Government Buys?
How to Find Government Bids, Contracts, Request for Proposal?
Why Register as Government Vendors and Contractors?
Government Bidders List
What to Know When Writing a Proposal or Bid?
How to Write a Proposal or Respond to a Bid Solicitation?
Tracking Proposal: Winning Bids, Awards
Trade Show Displays for Contractors

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