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The World of Audio and Visual Technology
The world of Audio and Visual (AV) technology is extremely versatile and useful for consumers and companies alike. It can range from something complex such as a video conferencing system connected from New York to Beijing, to something as simple as a VCR connected to a tube TV in your storage room. If technology is something you specialize in or even if you’re merely interested in it, the world of AV can provide many practical and entertaining benefits for those who take the time to learn them. By obtaining these benefits, you can also allow another company to thrive through the service you will provide.

Likewise, the AV bidding and contract opportunities found at FindRFP have a broad range of projects. For instance, at the turn of the New Year, the Visit California tourism corporation posted a bid for AV services such as production in “media/trade/industry events, board meetings, and educational forums.” Even though this is just one contract, there are various tasks and services which need to be provided, not all of which all AV business will have the proper skills or manpower to handle. Therefore, taking the time to become immersed in the world of AV and the skills to be learned in it will allow you to gain an advantage over other businesses and obtaining bids successfully such as this one.

The AV technology industry is constantly changing and innovating. For example, a recent AV Interactive article announced that Extron created the largest HDMI distribution amplifiers for 4K television. As of now, you can connect up to six devices into the amplifier which all funnels into one input on the TV itself. For companies which strive to be front runners in their respective industries, it is important to be able to connect more than a DVD player to a TV this day in age. Companies want to have the best service and quality and therefore are willing to pay a premium amount to look the part. If one were to specialize in these sorts of installations, this would bring back many dividends to his/her company.

As technology continues to grow, so does the demand for services of installation and manufacturing. Here at FindRFP, there are thousands of opportunities we send daily which can service others who want to embrace the new wave of technology.

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