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New Government RFP and Bids

Government Contract and Bid Finder and Notification System (Bid Contract) is the best tool available to companies interested in the $2 trillion government procurement market. It helps you boost your revenue and profitability in this lucrative market by searching, screening, and notifying you of new government contract and government bid and RFP instantly, so you will never need to worry about missing an opportunity. Want to learn more before you sign up? Take a product tour to find out how Government Contract Finder and Notification System works for you.
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IDFederal, State, Local Government Contracts, bids, RFPAgencyLocationIssued燨n
1Starlanding Road Segment TwoState/LocalMS10/28/2024
2Bath House Renovation (Rebid)State/LocalMS10/28/2024
3Great Sauk/Walking Iron Trail - Bridge & Trail ImprovementsState/LocalWI10/28/2024
59.5 Miles of Vegetation/Brush Mulching on Sans Bois WMAState/LocalOK10/28/2024
62.6 Miles of Road Maintenance & Repairs & 540 Tons of Crusher-Run Cookson WMAState/LocalOK10/28/2024
750 Acres Vegetation/Brush Mulching Various Locations on the Ft. Gibson WMAState/LocalOK10/28/2024
8Aerial Application of Spike 20P Hulah WMA & Western Wall WMAState/LocalOK10/28/2024
9Water System Improvements - Offset Well No. 24State/LocalOK10/28/2024
10Water Treat Chemicals for Water & Wastewater Treatment PlantsState/LocalSD10/28/2024
11Lease of Approximately 230 Acres of Clay County FarmlandState/LocalSD10/28/2024
12Gary Creek Stream Restoration & AccessState/LocalSD10/28/2024
13FY 21-22 Bid SummaryState/LocalOK10/28/2024
14Additional City Engineer of Record ServiceState/LocalOR10/28/2024
15CM/GC Services for a Permanent Sobering Center RenovationState/LocalOR10/28/2024
16Community Healing Initiative Early Intervention and DiversionState/LocalOR10/28/2024
17Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integrated Call Center Training and Quality Assurance Solution RFIState/LocalOR10/28/2024
18Immigration Legal ServicesState/LocalOR10/28/2024
19Project Bid InformationState/LocalND10/28/2024
20Growth Area Master PlanState/LocalND10/28/2024

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