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                                    Federal, county and city bids & RFPs are included in states where contracting offices are located.

54 Bid, RFPs, etc were found.     

IDFederal, State, Local Government Bids, Contracts, RFPAgencyLocationIssued
21Project Number  - MS 22-001 & MS 22-002 Project Title  – Citywide Arterial Microsurfacing and Citywide Non-Arterial Microsurfacing Bid Opening Date - May 20 , 2022 Pre-Bid date, time, and place  – Monday, May 2, 2022 at  9:45 a.m.  Pre-Qualification Classification  - A or C SBE Utilization  - 10% MS 22-001 Electronic Proposal | Spec Book | Project Quantities | Pay Item Notes | Project Location | Virtual Meeting | Texas Open Data Portal and Private Data Sharing Portal SolutionTexas 02/18/2022
23Request for Information (RFI) for Update and Expansion of the FAO Water Productivity Open-access portal (WaPOR) databaseState/LocalFederal02/07/2022
24Edit Aerial Survey and Landfill Volume Analysis, Open-End Contract</p>" data-delay="True" data-hoverable="true" aria-describedby="fixedtipdiv"> Edit Aerial Survey and Landfill Volume Analysis, Open-End ContractState/LocalMaryland 02/03/2022
25Project Number  - TMUA-W 20-25 Project Title  –  AB Jewell Water Treatment Plant Lab Renovations Bid Opening Date  – October 22, 2021 Pre-Bid date, time, and place  – Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Pre-Qualification Classification  A or B SBE Utilization  - N/A Electronic Proposal | Specification Book | Drawings | Project Manual | Virtual Meetings | Add No. 1 | Revised Proposal |  Add No. 2  |  2nd Revised Electronic Proposal | OPEN DATA PLATFORM HOSTING - 5 YEAR CONTRACTState/LocalCalifornia 08/10/2021
27OPEN DATA PLATFORM HOSTING - 5 YEAR CONTRACTState/LocalCalifornia 07/21/2021
28Center for Advancement and Synthesis of Open Environmental Data and SciencesState/LocalFederal02/17/2021
29Requests For Proposals #2021-04 for Support of CCMUA’s OpenEnterprise based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SystemState/LocalNew Jersey 01/26/2021
30RFP for Open Data Information Management System for Aid ManagementState/LocalFederal01/05/2021
31Open End, Data Cable Installation & Related ServicesState/LocalNew Jersey 08/20/2020
32Provision of services on supporting the conduction of open data, trainings in Uzbek and/or Russian language(s) on data analysis and assistance to teachers in IT contest (hackathon)State/LocalFederal07/07/2020
33Open Data PortalState/LocalBritish Columbia (Canada)03/06/2020
34Open Data PortalState/LocalBritish Columbia (Canada)03/06/2020
35Open Data Platform ServiceState/LocalWashington 02/07/2020
36Foreign Archive Conversion and Image Generation for Radarsat-1 Open dataState/LocalBritish Columbia (Canada)01/23/2020
37data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-24243-5" data-target="#6278542cb44aac087" href="#6278542cb44aac087"> BID OPEN - Landscaping Services/Grounds Maintenance for The Water Reclamation FacilityState/LocalArizona 12/28/2019
38data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-24243-1" data-target="#d74662a2a2a9cfe01" href="#d74662a2a2a9cfe01"> BID OPEN - Mission Royale Community Facilities District Parcel 4B Public ImprovementsState/LocalArizona 12/28/2019
39data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-24243-3" data-target="#a62a5b256626884c3" href="#a62a5b256626884c3"> BID OPEN - Wastewater Biosolids Hauling ServicesState/LocalArizona 12/28/2019
40data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-24243-7" data-target="#8d664de6fd910c1e2" href="#8d664de6fd910c1e2"> BID OPEN - Western Manor/Caspita y Grande Pavement Reconstruction ProjectState/LocalArizona 12/28/2019
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