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New Government RFP and Bids

Government Contract and Bid Finder and Notification System (Bid Contract) is the best tool available to companies interested in the $2 trillion government procurement market. It helps you boost your revenue and profitability in this lucrative market by searching, screening, and notifying you of new government contract and government bid and RFP instantly, so you will never need to worry about missing an opportunity. Want to learn more before you sign up? Take a product tour to find out how Government Contract Finder and Notification System works for you.
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IDFederal, State, Local Government Contracts, bids, RFPAgencyLocationIssued燨n
1BB25-22, DHHS/DSPD Change ManagementState/LocalUT01/22/2025
2SLCoART012125 Sole Source RFI Custom Benches for Capitol TheatreState/LocalUT01/22/2025
4Work of Art Commission at Springville High SchoolState/LocalUT01/22/2025
5SLC- Neighborhood Business Improvement Program- All ChayState/LocalUT01/22/2025
6Tobacco Stamps; Dept. of RevenueState/LocalTN01/22/2025
7Biomedical Equipment Maintenace,& StorageState/LocalTN01/22/2025
8Bat Mist Net SurveysState/LocalTN01/22/2025
9Spare Booster Pump MotorState/LocalTX01/22/2025
1025-39 Fall Athletic Sports Supplies & CatalogState/LocalTX01/22/2025
1125-40 Nurse & Athletic Training Supplies & CatalogState/LocalTX01/22/2025
12Anne Frank Elementary School-RenovationState/LocalTX01/22/2025
13Facilities ADA Transition Plan and Self-EvaluationState/LocalWA01/22/2025
14Parks ADA Transition Plan and Self-EvaluationState/LocalWA01/22/2025
15City of University Place Event ProductionState/LocalWA01/22/2025
16A&E Cons Svcs: On-Call Prof Structural Engineering Svcs for 2025State/LocalWA01/22/2025
17A&E Cons Svcs: On-Call Prof Mechanical Engineering Svcs for 2025State/LocalWA01/22/2025
18Pad Mount TransformersState/LocalVA01/22/2025
19Well Abandonment Project - Robert Anderson Water TowerState/LocalWI01/22/2025
20Mowing and Snow & Ice removal Services on properties owned by the City of MilwaukeeState/LocalWI01/22/2025

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