Solicitation Center

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Solicitation:  Bid # 06-23-08
Title: Invitation to Bid: Steel Culverts
Status: Expired
Purchase Agency: County of Fannin
Publish Date: 6/13/2008 12:00:00 PM
Due Date: 6/23/2008 9:00 AM CST
Contact: Purchasing Department at 903-583-0054, Michael Uhl – Fannin County Purchasing Agent.,
Description: **BY ORDER OF the Commissioners Court of Fannin County, Texas sealed bids will be received for: STEEL CULVERTS

**See Attached Documents.
Documents: fannincountyCULVERTBID.doc
Bid Submission: Sealed bids shall be submitted to: Fannin County Purchasing Office 101 East Sam Rayburn, Suite 304 Bonham, Texas 75418 NO LATER THAN 9:00 A.M., Monday, June 23, 2008 MARK ENVELOPE: "BID NO. 06-23-08; CULVERTS" ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE OPENING DATE AND TIME.

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